Inspirational List of Things to Draw for Art Class

Living in times of rapid technological advancements, IT specialists, software developers, and data management experts are always in high demand. Nevertheless, the Art classes still remain popular among Canadian students whose majors are not directly related to artistic disciplines. A reason for that is a unique opportunity to show creativity and improve visual learning. As it happens with every learning process, there are some challenges. One of them is finding good ideas about what things to draw for art homework. Basically, the student should be in a creative mood before starting, ensuring that the chosen topic feels right. The secret to success lies in correct decision because the art always helps strengthen problem solving, strategic thinking, and critical evaluation skills.

Stop Procrastinating and Get Your Art Homework Done

Thinking of what to draw for an art class, students underestimate procrastination problem, which means that seeking for that cool creative idea can easily turn in time wasted or powerful topic overlooked. If a college professor did not specify a particular drawing task in advance, the best thing to do is try and get ready for what will come up. Sometimes there are distractions that make it hard to get focused like not finding a favourite old pencil. Give it some time and think about what may disturb you!

Some people claim that they cannot work when they are forced or told to create within particular time limits. While such tasks become challenging, indeed, just try to relax and set your own artistic limits.

  • Plan ahead, if ever possible! Make sure that all difficult tasks or commitments are addressed in advance. Plan your time ahead!
  • Choose a fitting environment! Art homework always requires peace, so ensure that your workplace is quiet and suitable.
  • Keep workplace well-lit and air-conditioned! Keep place well-lit and cool enough, so you do not get exhausted and lost due to weather conditions.
  • Get rid of distractions! Keep your phone and social media away while you work because even short-term distractions may take the creativity away.
  • Create an outline! Make a list of rules that should be followed as you prepare to work. Instructions sometimes include obligatory use of certain colours, backgrounds, paint brush types, light, emotional elements, etc. Once there is a list, it greatly decreases the chances of missing something important.
  • Write down a list of things that inspire you! Think hard about things that motivate you. Write down everything in simple words! Smile, then start working!
  • Divide work in several creative tasks! If you already have an amazing idea, divide the working process into several stages. Begin with simple strokes that create a general subject, then seek for ways to improve and get your masterpiece complete.
  • Imagine Yourself in Teacher's Role! This simple psychological trick may work for some people. Imagine that you are teaching a young child or a friend to draw simple things. Be it still life or a portrait, think about what would be the first thing to start with. Apply it to canvas and go on from there!

Best Ideas of What to Draw

Here are some ideas of what to draw for art class. First of all, choose one of six classical art genres, unless already specified by your teacher. Most beginners find it easier to use examples of particular art genres, so they know what famous paintings should be examined. In some cases, however, it might create an artistic bias, so think about what inspires you first, and only then examine the most fitting genre. Of course, there are abstract styles, yet academic art homework assignments usually cover the following genres:

History Painting - this is the most demanding art homework type because it touches on religious or historical ideas with a strong moral message. Likewise, it also represents fairy tales or famous history scenes with allegorical content. It is also possible to brainstorm political ideas by depicting protest movements or strikes, as an example.

Portrait Art - this genre includes individual or group portraits. Self-portraits also relate to this category. A helpful approach to start with would be an analysis of possible tone selection or implementation of specific paint brush stroke techniques. Speaking of portrait ideas, think of your favourite celebrity or even a person who inspires you like a parent, sibling or a close friend.

Genre Painting - this is where daily life scenes relate. Use imagination and make your art homework inspiring for the audience. Unlike landscapes or still life paintings, this genre does not require idealizing of subjects portrayed. It can be intimate with a focus on costumes, settings, backgrounds, and important elements of intimate life. Ideas in this area comprise almost anything, as long as it portrays everyday scenes.

Landscape Painting - a view of the countryside where nature is shown in all of its beauty. Think of Canadian forests with countryside houses. It can be both real or imaginative landscapes.

Abstract Painting - if the presentation of objective reality is not required, this is exactly what fits well. Use contours, shapes, gestures, unusual brush strokes to portray an emotion. It can be anything like a creative display of fear, happiness, joy, or anxiety.

Still Life - this genre works with inanimate objects. Shapes, colours, textures are crucial here. Things to draw for art class in this subject may include flowers or a basket filled with fruits.

Sketchbook Assignment Ideas

Sketchbook homework should help students proceed with art homework ideas by starting with something definite. Get inspired as you brainstorm and use these creative draft ideas for practicing your drawing skills:

  • Draw family member or friend with an object that is important for them.
  • Start with a self-portrait, using single stroke technique.
  • If there is someone you love dearly, think of an emotion that comes to mind as you think of this person. Use an abstract technique for description.
  • Imagine yourself in ten years and draw a portrait based on that assumption.
  • Portray sports figures in action or in still pose.
  • Portray a person sitting next to you, dividing half of the canvas for light tones, and the other one for dark tonality.
  • Portray people employed in a particular sphere like a firefighter, teacher, taxi driver, hockey player.

For inanimate objects:

  • Select a fruit or vegetable to draw.
  • Choose food that you really like and portray it.
  • Draw a salad as a reflection of emotions.
  • Describe your least favourite dish with the help of a pencil.
  • Your perfect room. What would it look like?
  • Provide a description of a mental barrier you want to overcome with the help of particular object.
  • Choose a well-known flower or a plant. Paint it in unusual colours.

Affordable Online Help From Creative Experts

Need help with topic selection or drawing ideas for the Arts class? Look no further as EduBirdie’s creative experts offer reliable and urgent help with any creative tasks! No matter how challenging or urgent your art homework is, our professionals with Masters or Ph.D. degrees can assist you. Zero plagiarism assignments with free unlimited revisions at affordable prices make EduBirdie an ultimate choice when you need a bit of homework help. Place an order now to receive your custom paper in time!

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