Discover Top Debate Topics in Canada

Top Debate Topics in Canada

The colleges in Canada implement debates as a way to determine whether students are able to show analytical and argumentative skills. Once some subject is brought up, it is used as a foundation to find the most efficient solutions and speak out one’s opinion. As you are able to cooperate with fellow students, it is good to know both sides of the camp to understand how to stand for your opinion and defend it with clear evidence. While there are numerous topics that one can choose, Canadian universities like to focus on the most relevant Canadian debate topics, which helps to narrow things down significantly. Therefore, it is vital to have good examples to start with.

Before you proceed with the list of debate topics, consider thinking about what inspires you and seeking some subjects that you know well. Even if your college professor has already offered you a debate prompt, it is not the end of the world because you can adjust things accordingly. If you are majoring in Law, consider some topics through the prism of legislation. Most importantly, remember about being respectful if you have to deal with sensitive issues. Be open-minded, provide evidence, and know that your opinion is what matters!

Best Debate Topics For College Students

When college students are given the freedom to choose a subject for Canadian debates, they are often unsure about what to choose. For example, talking about the First Nations People and their challenges, it is not enough to say that they do not have it the same way as people who do not belong to ethnic minorities. Talking about unequal access to education with statistical data is another matter. It can be either expanded or narrowed down to bring up certain problems. As debates proceed, ask questions and structure your writing by exploring things in a more precise way.

Here are some topics to consider:

  1. First Nations People and unequal access to education.
  2. Female vs male parenting in Canada.
  3. Cultural traditions of English-speaking and Francophones.
  4. Bullying in the workplace and Canadian values.
  5. Canadian business management styles.
  6. Canada is too liberal in politics.
  7. Healthcare practices in Canada vs the United States.
  8. Controversial attitude to Canada's dark history moments.
  9. Child abuse in Canada's schools.
  10. Gambling addiction issues in Canada.
  11. Media coverage of domestic abuse: pros and cons.
  12. Handling of mental health issues in Canada.
  13. Violence against women is not given enough coverage.
  14. Online education challenges in Vancouver.
  15. Racism issues in Canada.

Remember that these are only starting points that you must base your thoughts and ideas on.

Current Debate Topics On Social Issues in Canada

Sometimes it is not possible to start efficient debates without turning to social or even controversial issues. Since the majority of Canadian college students are responsible individuals, consider certain subjects that are quite challenging yet popular in the media. For example, talking about violence in video games and Canadian youth, provide examples and statistical data to make your debates stand out and remain valid. Discussing social issues in Canada or political debates topics, avoid crossing the line even if you talk about something you do not accept. Show respect, be sensitive, and focus on the scientific aspect of things.

Here are some good ideas to explore:

  1. Controversial abortion law in Canada.
  2. Teenage violence and video games.
  3. Children’s access to explicit content.
  4. Racism and inequality in the academic community.
  5. First Nations People’s access to healthcare insurance.
  6. Poor vs rich: French Canada and English-speaking population.
  7. Domestic abuse: are there enough outlets to contact in an emergency?
  8. Cultural identity made as business brand controversy.
  9. Social exclusion in Canada.
  10. Perception of Canadians abroad.

You may also explore the foreign policies of Canada, various community issues, or discuss social debates in Canada between Francophones and the English-speaking regions. Explore, take your time, and learn how to listen.

Find more Canadian identity topics at our blog.

The Rules of Debating

As you learn how to participate in debates, the first thing that you should learn is choosing your side. For example, you may become a part of an affirmative team that supports a resolution, an opposing team that opposes the resolution, and a judgment team that evaluates the quality of the evidence and the list of provided documents. Once you are done with your choice, proceed with these stages:

  • Make a Claim. You must present your argumentation in a clear way by providing your thesis statement.
  • Provide Some Evidence. It should offer at least three supporting claims. It may include statistical data, references, quotes, real-life examples, and analogies among other things.
  • Impact & Effect. Explain the outcome and discuss the significance of your evidence. Explain how this information supports your claim and the ideas that you provide.

When you are talking to an opposing team, especially in political debate topics, make some preliminary research to know your opponent’s key points well to show that you understand every controversial aspect. As you have more time to explore things, you will be able to find counter-arguments.

Summing Things Up

If you are not sure about how to start, consider choosing your topic first and entering some phrases in Google. See what information comes up and identify the most apparent problems. For example, choosing abuse of women in the workplace (or any other controversial topics in Canada), you can look up statistical data online and see what legislation paragraph does not seem to work. Once you operate with some facts, consider using it as a hook sentence for your debates. Think about how it can be brought up as the thesis and see what solutions may be offered.

When your debate topic receives comments, see what questions have been brought up and write down the list of counter-arguments. Participating in debate topics for college students, do not just say something like “I agree with John” or “Mary has a good point”. You should use quotes and provide arguments. The same aspect works when you have to reply to your fellow students. Analyze, find argumentation, and you will achieve success.

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