What is an Exploratory Case Study?

Exploratory case study - it is a relatively new type of work assigned to students of higher educational establishments, so there are always difficulties with writing it. According to the dictionary, this assignment involves detailed research of the given subject matter aimed at showing a complete understanding of this subject.

What is an Exploratory Case Study

What Is an Exploratory Case Study?

There are several types of case study distinguished today. They are illustrative, explanatory, descriptive, critical, exploratory ones; other scientists divide it into program implementation, program effects and cumulative ones. Today we will focus on exploratory case studies that answer the question how and why a definite event has happened. What are the main peculiarities of this task? It requires collecting only reliable data and use reputable resources if you wish to write your case study worthy.

What is the Main Idea of This Task?

According to the exploratory case study definition, it is a paper that provides an in-depth analysis of the provided topic. In general, it is initial research conducting which a writer tries to make up a model and view a received data within it, and, after collecting all the necessary data, the task of a writer is to make sense of it. It can be achieved by answering “what” research questions.

How to Write a Good Exploratory Research Case Study?

Such papers are referred to academic research methods, so they have taken a dignified place in the college and university programs. Modern students assigned to write a case study assignment face many difficulties. Mostly because there is not much information what is an exploratory case study.

Here are some great tips on how to write a perfect paper:

  • Be consistent;
  • Choose an exclusive title to draw your reader’s attention;
  • Identify the problem of the work at the beginning of the case study paper;
  • The problem is to be explored through cause, effect, and theory structure;
  • State what methods were used during the research;
  • Provide a discussion of possible solutions to the problem;
  • List all the benefits from the performed research;
  • Use general-to-specific-to-general approach;
  • Provide as many facts and numbers as possible;
  • Use an easy to read format and images to make your paper more appealing to the reader, etc.

You can get online case study help at EduBirdie writing platform.

Creating an efficient exploratory case study it is important to demonstrate the significance of the paper. As well as provide enough factual evidence to persuade a reader. It is also advisable to read through several sample case studies to get an idea of its composition, style, and format. You can also include interviews to your work if there are any knowledgeable people in the sphere you write about. References and appendices will also contribute to the effectiveness of your work.

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