Ultimate Guide to Hashtags

You see them everywhere around the web… From Twitter to Instagram, hashtags are an essential part of social media.

So, why should you use hashtags? To start with, tweets with hashtags tend to get twice as much engagement as tweets without them. Plus, they can help you gain more followers, improve your reputation, and help your customers find information faster.

To show you how you can use hashtags to increase your online presence, I created an infographic that breaks down the correct way to use hashtags.

To further help you get the most out of hashtags, I’ve created another infographic that will teach you how to leverage them on each popular social network.


I know I’ve been a bit lazy when it comes to using hashtags, but I have to say, it works. When I was active on Instagram, I saw that pictures with hashtags received at least 15% more likes compared to images without them.

Adding keywords within your hashtags isn’t enough to increase your online presence. You need to make sure your hashtags are concise, conversational, and unique.

In addition to that, if you are not sure when to use hashtags, consider using them for contests, education, events, and news oriented topics. You can also monitor how well your hashtags are doing through tracking how many reposts, replies, and visits you get every time you use them.

So, next time you post on your favorite social network, follow the hashtag cheat sheets above.

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