European consensus on development

The European Consensus on Development is a policy statement that commits the EU to eradicating poverty and building a fairer and more stable world.

Made jointly by the 3 main EU institutions (Commission, Parliament and Council), the Consensus on Development identifies shared values, goals, principles and commitments which the Commission and EU governments will implement in their development policies:

  • reducing poverty — particularly through the Millennium Development Goals. This will also impact sustainability, HIV/AIDS, security, conflict prevention, forced migration, etc.
  • democratic values — respect for human rights, democracy, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law, good governance, gender equality, solidarity and social justice
  • nationally-led development — by the beneficiary countries themselves, based on national strategies (developed in collaboration with non-government bodies) and domestic resources. EU aid will be aligned with national strategies and procedures.

More and better EU aid

  • EU governments have agreed to increase their Official Development Assistance to 0.7 % of GNI by 2015
  • half the additional aid will go to Africa — with special attention paid to fragile states
  • the EU and its member countries are committed to making the aid they provide more effective, including through better coordination on the ground.

To ensure effective multilateral action, the Commission and EU governments will also coordinate their positions in the UN and international financial institutions, to increase the impact of EU spending and to speak with a single voice.

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