Convert Words to Minutes
Speech Calculator for Free

This website allows you to translate the number of words in a given document into the approximate amount of time required to deliver it as a speech. It is available for free online at any time, and is a highly valuable instrument to utilize when preparing a speech or a presentation. The length of your speech in terms of quantity of time relates directly to the quantity of words present in your speech, as well as the speed in which the individual speaks or reads.
Note: This words to minutes calculator works based on approximations.

Step 1. Choose Your Score of Reading

Step 2. Input number of Words or Time

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Time: 0 sec
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Trim your speech with words to minutes converter by Canadian EduBirdie


Want to find out how long your speech would take? All you need is our online words to minutes converter to calculate the time required for your performance. Our words to minutes calculator will help you define the correct timing for your speech for free and only within a few moments!

For the majority of people giving a speech, regardless of its purpose, is both an exciting and disturbing matter, which requires decent attention and serious preparation. What is the key to success? Probably, regarding of whether you are giving a speech at work, at a party or wedding, at school or any other event, the most important thing is to keep your speech appropriate and relevant. This also means following certain rules.

For example, a speech should not contain irrelevant facts or inappropriate language. It has to correspond with the topic of an event where you are going to perform, not mentioning that you are supposed to make it relevant “emotionally” – meaning to set the right tone of your text. However, a not less important advice is to keep it as long as required – sometimes you can be given a specific timing for your performance and it is important to meet this requirement if you want to perform successfully.

How To Meet The Length Requirements?

How can you find out whether your text is not too long or too short for the given time? There are several ways to figure this out – for example, you can set a timer and read your text out loud, then check your results to see if you meet the given time frame. However, this is not the most reliable option. Simply reading a text at home will not give you the same result simply because you do not consider several important factors like jim-jams and a non-standard emotional condition that you may have before giving a speech. These factors, in fact, influence the time of your oral performance significantly.

What other options do you have? Luckily, we are ready to offer you a more convenient and reliable way to find out the time needed for your performance – you can use our free minutes to words calculator to get an exact timing. Who are we? EduBirdie is a professional and trusted custom essay writing service for students from Canada, which strives to make students’ lives simpler and, apart from providing academic assistance, we also offer students to use different free tools to make their studies enjoyable and easy. Thus, our team offers you to use online plagiarism checker, annotated bibliography generator, and words to minutes converter for free in order to rid you of some of the most unpleasant academic issues!

Why Use Our Online Converter?

Many students in Canada face the need to perform with a speech at different events during their studies and, often, these performances have a high value for their overall academic success, which means that each speech should be flawless. That is when EduBirdie and its assistance comes in handy! Our words to pages calculator is a great way to avoid a failure because if the time of your speech matters, this tool will help you ensure that you have met this requirement. What else makes it a useful tool for you? Our free online tool gives you a number of benefits:

  • A convenient and simple in use tool;
  • Quick result;
  • A possibility to get words converted to minutes the utmost precision;
  • It is online and available for anyone at any time, so you can use it whenever it is needed;
  • It is free of charge!

In addition to all these benefits, we also have one more thing to surprise you with – at our website, you can not only figure out the time of your performance but even order the text for your speech and get it written by our best writers! Why do you need this? Top-rated writers employed at EduBirdie are people with high level of education and huge experience in writing different types of texts, which means that they know for sure how to write your speech, essay, lab report, CV or any other paper look flawless!

How to get help from Canada’s best writers? It is simple – just go to our website and leave us a quick note saying “please, write my essay for me” or request any other assistance available at our service including math homework help services, economics homework help, and much more! Still have any doubts? Leave them behind – test our free tools or get help from professionals now to see all benefits that EduBirdie has with your own eyes!

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