Orders vary in their requirements and complexity. That is why we select a writer for every project thoroughly. He/she must have enough experience and be advanced in the field of the order he/she completes. Taking this into account, we have established a rating system for the writers. It allows clients to evaluate the work of the writers and choose them based on the success scale.

Rating & Awards at Ca.EduBirdie.com

At Ca.EduBirdie.com, the number of stars indicates the rating of the writer. A writer can get maximum 5 stars (that is the highest). 1-2 stars tell about his low rating. Every client must evaluate the work of a writer after he completes his order. It is obvious that 5-star writers are in the highest demand. Such rating tells not only about the ability to create high quality papers in Canada. It also is a sign of a confident and responsible person who can deliver orders on time.

Writers are allowed to rate clients on the equal terms. Consequently, 5-star clients are in priority when writers select with whom to work with.

This two-way rating system gives an opportunity for both clients and writers to evaluate the expectations of an engagement. If the client finds the writer’s reputation satisfactory and the writer is also delighted with the client’s rating, their engagement will be rewarding.

Our writers

Browse through our writer’s database and select the one that you like most!

Expert Felister

Expert Felister

53 completed works
Expert Liana

Expert Liana

170 completed works


61 completed works
Tutor Ruby

Tutor Ruby

229 completed works
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